Filing 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC forms is quick, easy and secure with 1099SmartFile. If you have a large number of payees/filings, checkout our

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You can sign up for our service and create your filings for free. You have the ability to sign up as an Individual or Business or as an Accountant. As an accountant, you can set up and manage multiple clients using the single accountant account and submit your clients' filings. You don’t have to enter the payment information until you are ready to submit the filings.

The Payer is an individual or a company that paid the Payees. If you are signing up as an Individual or a Small Business Owner or an Accountant, you are the Payer and will use your information on this page. If you are signing up as an accountant, you can add your clients and update payer information for those clients, under one account.. The TIN and other sensitive information is encrypted with industry standard encryption algorithms before saving it into our systems. The email address will be used to send status updated about your filings. The postal address will be included on the 1099 forms you will be filing.

You can add as many Payees/Recipients as you like. The payee's TIN is always encrypted in before saving it into our systems. The payee's email address will be used to deliver the 1099 recipient copy. The postal address will be included on the 1099 forms, and if you select our "Print & Mail" service, we will mail the 1099 recipient copy to this address.

Click the "Add Filing" button on the filings tab to create filings. You can create 1099-Misc and/or 1099-NEC filings for the payees. You can also import your payees and filings from Xero or QuickBooks Online or Excel.

Click the "Submit Filings" button to submit your filings. We offer tiered pricing and please visit our pricing page for more details. The accountants can take advantage of our tiered pricing model as we group all their clients’ filings automatically into tiers whether they are filed in a single order or in multiple orders. We don’t charge extra for resubmissions, if for any reason, the IRS rejects your filings. Please note that we do not support correcting the filings accepted by the IRS.